Since 2013, Windward has supported the Port of Everett in the cleanup of its East Waterway site, representing the Port of Everett in the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) to be conducted by the Port of Everett and other potentially responsible parties (PRPs).
The project has involved acting for the Port of Everett in negotiations with the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) and other stakeholders on matters pertaining to natural resource damage (NRD), work plan development, critical data needs, data management and mapping, and strategic advice on the ever-evolving regulatory issues involving MTCA, NRD, and Washington State Sediment Management Standards (SMS). Windward has developed synthesis and trend maps to identify key questions, and we have collected and consolidated considerable quantities of data into an EQuIS data system to facilitate prompt and accurate analyses and maps.